Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Can Tell You the Day We Were Born

Maybe this is only interesting to someone who is either in law school or has been through it, but the N.Y. Times has an interesting interactive feature detailing the fortunes and careers of selected people who served with Barack Obama during his time as President of the Harvard Law Review.

I'm not sure why, but I was surprised to see current U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement, whom I have written about before, on the outskirts of the photo in the feature. It made me start thinking about what will happen in the future with my classmates from ACU and Baylor Law. I guess that is part of the fun of placing yourself in an environment where people are driven to succeed and change the world in many various manners. I'm not sure if I am going to school with a future Presidential candidate, Solicitor or Attorney General, or the next great TV talking head, but I will watch where everyone goes with much anticipation.

2 exams down and 3 to go.

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