Just Ask the Axis, He Knows Everything
On Friday I gave you a link to a so-called "study" on America's Sweatiest Cities that was financed by Old Spice, but today I'm bringing you something that is probably going to be a bit more reliable. Eldest children, including yours truly, can rest easy in their dominance of the world.
According to a recent study conducted in Norway, the eldest children in families tend to develop higher IQ's than their younger siblings. I passed a link to the study along to my sister, who responded with a typical "well, the study says I have more social grace and daring, so there" response. I tried to remember what else she said, but my massive IQ was simply too much for her so-called "social grace". I kid, I kid.
I'll be traveling tomorrow down the Austin area for the Rampy/Watten wedding, so if any of you will be there, I look forward to seeing you at the festivities. Demetrius Collins, this includes you.
Current Reading

The Persian Puzzle: The Conflict Between Iran and America by Kenneth M. Pollack
Labels: current reading
bold as love. jimi hendrix. tuegel
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