Monday, June 11, 2007

I Thought the Losing Dice Were Tossed

Congratulations to Mrs. Lola Scott, my mother, for correctly naming "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond as the Sunday Song of the Day. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I actually had to play the song for her so that she could get past the point of saying "It's that one Neil Diamond song." Angry with my leniency? Guess what? She's my Mom. I'll extend her mercy where all you get is an admonition to "try harder". Deal with it.

Now that I've cleared up that potential brouhaha, I'll move on to other topics. For someone who has never seen an episode of the series, I was very interested in last night's Sopranos finale for some reason. It's something that's difficult to articulate, but you just know when certain shows have reached that elevated status where their phraseology becomes part of the cultural lexicon. I think the Sopranos was one of those shows.

In yet another reference to the cavalcade that was the Freede/Agan wedding reception, I should mention that the final song played on Saturday night was "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. In an eerie coincidence, the world's cheesiest power ballad also happened to be playing in the final scene in Sopranos history. Now I'm beginning to wonder if Lance and Kayla are clairvoyant or they just have David Chase on speed dial.

Either way, Steve Perry and his voice are taking over the world.

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At 9:29 AM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

Your mom's name is "Lola"? That's awesome. But now I'm going to be singing "Copa Cabana" the rest of the morning . . .


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