You Could Distinguish Miles from Coltrane
Congratulations to Ms. Stacy Villescas for correctly naming "In My Life" by The Beatles as the Tuesday Song of the Day. As the resident Beatles expert here at Running Down a Dream, I'm not going to say that she was a shoe-in to name the song, but despite a strong challenge from our classmate, Mrs. Yee, the force behind The Baylor Law School Circus has triumphed once again.
I wish I could write to you tonight with tales of a Liverpool triumph in Athens over AC Milan, but alas I cannot. The Rossoneri were too much behind a pair of goals from striker Filippo Inzaghi and took home their 7th European Cup in a 2-1 win over the Reds. There's really not much to say about the match, except for Liverpool simply did not capitalize on the opportunities and Milan did. That's how matches such as the Champions League Final are won and lost. As they once said in Brooklyn regarding the Dodgers, "Just wait 'til next year."This marks the end of my reporting on the travails of Liverpool FC for a few months, but I'll be sure to check back in from time to time with relevant personnel moves as Rafa and the boys retool for another run at the Premiership and Champions League titles. As always, "You'll Never Walk Alone."
Since I've been home for almost four weeks, I've had the opportunity to catch up on some of the reading that I missed during the school year. As Mark Twain said, "I try not to let school get in the way of my education." Today, I made a few purchases that I hope will last the remainder of the summer.
Those are:
- Saturday--Ian McEwan
- Between Two Rivers: A Novel--Nicholas Rinaldi
- Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw--Mark Bowden
- The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy--T.R. Reid
- The Persian Puzzle: The Conflict Between Iran and America--Kenneth Pollack
- Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths--Bruce Feiler
- The Powers That Be--David Halberstam
Labels: current reading, Liverpool FC
Comfortable by John Mayer.
I like that lyric but I've never heard the song - is it worth a dollar on itunes?
The song is so saccharine sweet, it makes "Full House" look downright cynical. On the other hand, whenever it comes up on the iPod, I always listen to the entire thing.
I'm not sure what your feelings are on Mr. Mayer, so buy at your own risk.
Killing Pable is a good book. Read it a few years back and enjoyed it.
-Randy Lowery
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