Saturday, May 19, 2007

There are Two Colors in My Head

Congratulations to Ms. Heidi Hipp for correctly naming "Rebellion (Lies)" by the Arcade Fire as the Friday Song of the Day.

This morning as I was reading through the June issue of Men's Journal magazine, I ran across a very interesting and troubling story. The story relates the horrible travails of Eric Volz, an American living in Nicaragua who was charged and convicted of the murder of an ex-girlfriend. According to reports, Volz was convicted despite ten eyewitnesses who testified that he was over two hours from the scene at the time of the murder. The prosecution also produced no physical evidence linking Volz to the crime scene or any evidence that Volz had participated in a conspiracy to murder his ex-girlfriend.

Volz is currently serving a thirty year sentence in a Nicaraguan prison and awaiting the result of an appeal of his conviction. I found the following video on YouTube. It provides a pretty concise summary of the events surrounding Volz's conviction and the reaction of friends and family to such an unbelievable miscarriage of justice.

If you want to learn more about Eric Volz, visit Friends of Eric Volz.



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