Thursday, May 17, 2007

If Anything Could Ever Feel This Good Again

I've been doing a great deal of thinking lately about how to do what I love for the rest of my life instead of simply taking a job that pays the bills while it simultaneously crushes my soul each and every day.

It has come up in conversations that I have initiated and in unexpected moments but when people ask me about what I want to do in the future, I provide them with this answer: I want to write. I don't know if I want write novels, feature stories, or columns, but I do know that the time that I enjoy most each day is the time that I write in this space.

Let's just go ahead and get all of the doubts and shortcomings out there right now so we can deal with this topic honestly:

1. I've never taken a journalism class.

2. The only writing I've done besides school assignments is on this blog, which may or may not be a good thing.

3. There's probably something else major that I have neglected to mention, so I'm putting #3 here just to be safe.

That's it. That's what standing in front of me really starting to explore what life could be like if I decided to pursue a path that many do not expect me to take. When I sit down and think about what I could be passionate about doing the rest of my life, it does not include me sitting in an office making sure that XYZ Corporation gets a fair contract with ABC Corporation. I'm pretty sure I would rather wake up each morning and see that Nic Cage had won a Best Actor Oscar for Ghostrider than to do something that would slowly eat away at my life.

This post is merely an articulation of the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head as of late, and is not intended to be anything more than an insight into what's been occupying my mind as of late. Also, I have no intention of dropping out of law school, as I believe that the skills that I have been developing at BLS will be a tremendous asset if I am fortunate enough to pursue a career in writing.

They say that every journey begins with a single step. Consider this the first movement.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Cody Blair said...

enjoyed your last couple of posts, especially the letter. and that video--wow.

come catch a game at the rangers ballpark in arlington and see another team play good baseball.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

A mistake I think a lot of people make is that they don't realize the potential in the legal industry for doing what they love. I'm not a good writer, but I love to tell stories. That's why I came to law school: one day I hope to be a trial lawyer getting paid to tell stories. Maybe there's a legal practice (other than contract drafting, hehe) where you can spend all your time leisurely writing.

(I know--comments on two posts in a row. Maybe I'm sick...)

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man,

Speaking as one who no longer has a soul. I highly recommend doing whatever pays the bills. Or do I recommend doing what you love? I think there's something to finding something you like to do, but also finding something you like in what you do.

now for more deep thoughts from Jack Handey. . . .

Mike M.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Prosso said...

Everlong by Foo Fighters


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