Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'll Tip My Hat to the New Constitution

Congratulations to Mr. Andrew Tuegel for correctly naming "City of Blinding Lights" by U2 as the Wednesday Song of the Day.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts on my post yesterday regarding Houston. In particular, I think Cody's comment and Mike's thoughts really conveyed the essence of what mystifies me about the place. It's as if the moment you move down there, you're handed a glass of "Pro-Houston" kool-aid, you drink up the intoxicating brew, and you're suddenly in love with the place. Perhaps I shouldn't be so cynical about the fact that Houstonians love their town. Perhaps I should just recognize that all of us who love our homes probably seem crazy to someone.

I've written before about my affinity for Tiger Woods, but today I'm going to write about my affinity for the U.S. Open. I understand that it is easy to dismiss golf as boring, outdated, a mere accompaniment to Sunday afternoon naps, or a myriad of other less than positive things, but each year during the four Majors (Masters, U.S. Open, British Open, and P.G.A. Championship), I wouldn't say that I turn into Jim Nantz, but I do display a heightened level of interest.

With that said, among the four Majors, the U.S. Open has to be my favorite. Sure, there is an army across America that adores the Masters, and honestly, how could you not? Everyone loves the cheesy CBS promos that begin airing during March Madness, a harbinger of spring as reliable as the inevitable Texas Rangers meltdown, but for my money, give me the U.S. Open.

Give me a tournament where the USGA decides to turn revered golf courses into torture sites. Give me a tournament where they make the greens so fast that putts fly right off the putting surface. Give me a tournament where the USGA's sadistic objective is simply to test the wits of the world's best golfers and find out if a pro might snap and bash in a clown's head like Happy Gilmore.

I don't foresee anything like that happening this weekend at Oakmont, but if it does, just remember that the USGA drove them to do it.

This has nothing to do with the my current topic, but I'm thinking about compiling a list of songs/videos from the 90's that already seem incredibly dated. I ran across the following clip recently on YouTube and it honestly made me wonder if I had grown up in the 90's or the Haight-Ashbury/Summer of Love 60's.

Seriously, were the Gallagher brothers just sitting around one day thinking, "You know what, even though it's the mid-1990's, let's make a video that contains all of the cliches of the mid to late 60's and film it from the perspective of Jim Morrison experiencing a bad LSD trip." Is that really what happened here? I'm pretty sure that Liam Gallagher would be one of the most difficult people on the planet to interview (I also place Mike Tyson, Kim Jong Il, and the entire cast of Flavor of Love on that list), but these are things I need to know.



At 3:44 AM, Blogger Dan Carlson said...

"Won't Get Fooled Again," The Who.

If the PGA had homeless caddies, one-armed coached, and a foolishly flirtatious Julie Bowen, I would watch.


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