Sunday, November 5, 2006

I Was Maimed by Rock and Roll, I Was Tamed by Rock and Roll, I Got My Name From Rock and Roll

Congratulations again to the WJC for correctly naming "Wake Up" by the Arcade Fire as the Friday Song of the Day.

I've been thinking about writing something ever since I heard about the mess surrounding Ted Haggard. It seems that many times Christians are the ones who end up placing the largest roadblocks in the way of those who might be curious about what this whole faith thing is all about.

If you are an agnostic, atheist, or believer of another faith reading this post, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Christians sometimes do such a bad job of living up to the life and example of Jesus Christ. Let's be honest, none of us will ever reach that standard of perfection, but sometimes we do a terrible job of getting distracted on the way.

We let things like the amorphous promise of earthly power, riches, influence, and success get in the way. Instead of living quiet lives of dedication and devotion that cause people to wonder what exactly that we place our faith in, sometimes we live these big, flashy existences that end up concealing some really bad stuff in our hearts, but please, please do not confuse mortal humans with the one that we follow.

Religion is not Jesus Christ. Sure, there's some connections there, but one is of this earth and one is not. That is why despite the mistakes people who are Christ followers make, you have to remember that this whole thing is not about the people following but about the one being followed. Yes, we have to put up with each other in the body of Christ, but we also have to remember that despite the fact that we may lose faith in each other, Christ is the same.

I don't know if this came off as a rant, and I certainly do not want it to be, but if you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section or send me an email. Thanks everybody.



At 10:34 PM, Blogger Prosso said...

sunken treasure wilco


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