Friday, October 27, 2006

The Turntable Sizzles Casting the Spells, The Pressure Devices Hell in a Nutshell

Stephen Carter was right after all. When I heard Carter speak earlier this year, he noted that in American politics we have moved from an era of ideology to an era of partisanship. Carter said that living in an era of ideology will not do significant damage to a country, but that living in an age of partisanship will slowly suck the life out of nation like a python slowly crushing the life of its prey by the force of its will.

Any disagreements with the analogy can be directed to me and not Professor Carter, as if you would call him up and say, "Hey Steve-o, I'm not a big fan of the snake image." I digress.

In an era of ideology, the most important point is the battle between ideas and opposing viewpoints that takes place on a daily basis. In the past that struggle took the form of capitalism v. communism, proliferation v. non-proliferation, judicial restraint v. judicial activism, etc. Living in an era of partisanship might seem very similar, but there are some subtle differences that are ultimately poisonous to the system as a whole.

In an era of partisanship, the most important thing is that your side or my side wins. It does not ultimately matter what means it takes to reach that end, but only that it is reached. The battle of ideas is subordinated to a battle of left v. right and conservative v. liberal. In an era of partisanship, it is easier to achieve victory and rally others to your side if you can demonize your opponents. It makes things much too complicated if you were to acknowledge that people on the other side of the aisle have some good ideas, just as your side has some bad ones.
If I can demonize Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Barack Obama, George Bush, Bill Clinton, I have made it that much easier to not actually take their ideas seriously or to respond to them with actual contemplation. The good of the nation as a whole is placed behind the good of the Democratic or Republican Party. When the politician comes along who values the good of the nation over the petty partisan wars that currently rage, the American people will follow that person like the Pied Piper.



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