I'm a Man, I'm Not a Child, A Man Who Sees the Shadow Behind Your Eyes
- This is post #488.
- In my first year, I had 249 posts.
- In the second year, I have had 239 posts. (The likely reason for the lower post numbers was the surprising lack of Wi-Fi service on Colorado mountainsides)
- Here is the post commemorating my first year.
You've seen the numbers, but there is so much more to what this blog has meant to me. Looking at the preceding sentence it might be easy to scoff and think that I am placing too much emphasis on something that is ultimately artificial, but what this blog has allowed me to experience is anything but artificial. I have been able to take time each day to sit down and talk about what is on my mind. I have been able to stay in touch with friends that are far away and some that are still close. It has given me a chance to look back at how much my life has changed in the past two years. A quick glance at my first month of posts will confirm that suspicion. It has also reminded how some things will never change.
Remember when you were young and your parents would tack that A on the math test up on the refrigerator? I had a similar feeling toward the end of this summer when I walked into my grandmother's house. My grandmother has pictures everywhere of her family. As I was walking over to look at pictures from my past, I glanced at a piece of paper that was sitting on the countertop. It looked familiar and I recognized that it was a printout of one of my posts. It sounds overly sentimental, but you don't know how much that meant to me that my grandmother had printed out something that I had sat down to write, never thinking that it would cross anyone's mind again after the initial reading.
With that said, what can you expect on Running Down a Dream in the future? Well, I was writing about baseball from the first day, so there will probably still be more musings on America's Pasttime. There will be talk about politics, law school, TV, movies, music, and the adventures of my life. Through the ups and downs of these last two years it has been a joy to write in this space. I hope and pray that you have enjoyed it as much as I have. Thanks for your thoughts and thanks for reading.
Here's to another great year. I look forward to reading about it.
-Ben Grant
Dad and I have definately enjoyed the blog as a way of keeping up with what's happening in your life without having to ask too many questions. Your friends comments are also quite revealing! Mom
Is the lyric Kite by U2. I'm not really sure about this one. Tuegel
Justin, thanks for being faithful about posting. It is always comforting to make my rounds, and always find something fresh. I would be honored to see you at my wedding in Jan.
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