Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul/You Gotta Run Like an Antelope Out of Control

Today has been a great blessing. It has been one of those days where you feel filled up by everyone around you, and the community of ACU is evident. Going to the Devo on College St. has become an integral part of my week. It is always invigorating to worship sincerely and to hear about God's work from a broad variety of people. David Chisholm did a great job tonight speaking on the topic of listening for God's call, which is a very interesting and difficult topic to tackle.

I thought that Senator Kerry's concession speech today was very gracious, and his thanks to those who served on his campaign was very heartfelt. I will say this: I would have felt much better with John Kerry as President rather than Al "Lockbox" Gore four years ago. President Bush was sincere and hopeful as always. His effort to reach across the partisan aisle is an admirable gesture and one that is necessary in a nation deeply polarized on political issues. It was great to see such a strong turnout in this election, and to see so many people my age vote. It has been said that candidates do not cater to young voters because young voters do not vote at the same rate as other age groups, but hopefully that is starting to change.

Marathon training is going well, and I am looking forward to a short 17 mile run this Sunday. If anyone wants to join me for all or part of the run just talk to me. Come on, you know you want to.


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