I Ride a G.S. Scooter With My Hair Cut Neat
A few notes on a Monday evening...
The rumors are true. I asked the lady friend to marry me on Friday night and before you ask the next question, she did in fact say "yes".
The rumors are true. I asked the lady friend to marry me on Friday night and before you ask the next question, she did in fact say "yes".

Current Reading

The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars by Joel Glenn Brenner

The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars by Joel Glenn Brenner
*The aforementioned choice of reception entertainment has not received approval from the lady friend and will almost certainly not pass her muster.
Labels: current reading, Phish
CONGRATS!! :D That's so exciting, best wishes for lots of happiness. :) :)
Justin, I am very excited to hear the good news!!
Great news Justin! Oh and be firm about Phish. You won't get many choices in this wedding and for you to be giving up so soon on this one is not a good sign.
Congrats, Mr. Scott!
Way to go, dude!
Congratulations. If Phish isn't available, I hear Billy Joel is almost as good as Adam Sandler at doing weddings.
Congratulations, Mr. Scott. Did you also slice her hand, because the picture kind of looks bloody?
Best wishes. And if you are ever somewhat near Roswell. You, know, just keep going.
not to be completely behind on my blog reading and stuff, but congratulations! Way to go.
By the way, in the vein of full disclosure, you did tell her about that thing, right?
A rather belated, but no less enthusiastic, congratulations! :)
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