Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watching the Ships Roll In, and I'll Watch 'Em Roll Away Again

Congratulations to Mr. Joey Halbert and Mr. John Middleton for correctly naming "All Apologies" by Nirvana as the Tuesday Song of the Day, although I should have settled the true status of the Song of the Day champion via a pre-established method.

Speaking of which...

From this date forward, all parties in disputes regarding their status as the true winner of the Song of the Day Contest hereby submit to binding arbitration, which shall consist of the following 3 events:
  1. One thumb-war contested under guidelines promulgated by the International Thumb Wrestling Society (ITWS),

  2. One round of Indian* leg wrestling, and

  3. One round of rock-paper-scissors**.

The contest will be based on a "best 2 out of 3" format. May the best man, woman, or child win.

*Iroquois, more specifically. As such, the use of moves which are banned under the Iroquois standard, such as the "Standing Chief Yellowrock Leg Lock" will result in the contestant's immediate disqualification in addition to any possible criminal prosecutions related to the use of such banned moves.

**Contestants may only "throw" rock, paper, or scissors during this portion of the binding arbitration. All other references to or uses of inane "throws" such as "God", "rain", or "lightning" are hereby banned and will result in the contestant's immediate disqualification from the remainder of the competition.

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At 9:32 AM, Blogger Alan said...

"Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay," Otis Redding.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Alan said...

...and since I'm still in Waco, I'll be sure to let Prof. Evidence know that you've included an arbitration clause in your "Song of the Day" contest. I'm sure he'll be pleased and will want to congratulate you for it.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Justin said...


Due to the fact that I have yet to include any Gene Autry or Bob Wills selections in the "Song of the Day" repertoire, I don't think Prof. Evidence will have reason to worry about the dispute resolution procedures I've adopted.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Andrew Tuegel said...

Mr. President,

Running Down a Dream must weigh in on the retirement of Doc Money and start the grassroots campaign for Dean Lytle to succeed him!

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Justin said...


Many thanks for the heads up on the Dr. Money retirement. Thoughts forthcoming this evening.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Frankly, I don't think Prof. Evidence cares about the subject matter. Your alternative dispute resolution procedures are the tactics of those "candy-ass" lawyers who are not trial lawyers, thus, in his mind, they are not real lawyers.

Do you not want to be a real lawyer? Do you even want the reputation of not being a real lawyer?

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

Did you see this???,162898

One more reason to hate the Yankees . . .


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