Find My Nest of Salt, Everything's My Fault
Sadly enough, I think an impromptu straw poll of friends and family on the following topic might actually generate an approval rating over 50 percent...
"These Americans are destroying the moral and social fabric of our state," said Rep. Chris Turner, who added that he worries when he looks around Texas and sees people from places like Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Vermont. "The man who used to repair my truck was replaced by some mechanic who moved in here from Kansas. Lately I can't go to the store or the bank without running into all kinds of these foreigners. This wall is the only hope we have of keeping Texas safe."

"Texas Constructs U.S. Border Wall to Keep Out Unwanted Americans"--The Onion

"Texas Constructs U.S. Border Wall to Keep Out Unwanted Americans"--The Onion
All Apologies - Nirvana
I guess we'll need to get Uncle Jim and Aunt Barbara out of Austin before they wall it up. Mom
What's sad about this proposal? It's from the Onion, but it's not silly at all. It's genius. I love it. Count me as part of the over 50 percent crowd.
Come and take it.
Lance Crockett Bowie Houston Austin Agan
I appreciate the "No Family Member Left Behind" strategy, but we might want to ask them whether they would choose to remain in Austin, even if it is no longer "Texas".
Although I'm not really sure how you can say that Austin would no longer be Texas seeing as though it is the state capital.
I thought you might be saddened by the fact that the plan would separate DKR-Memorial from the rest of the state. I could see you holding a press conference at the edge of the wall and making sure that the cameras were rolling when you delivered the key line, "Mr. Perry, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL."
Here's how i read it: A wall will surround Austin, not to separate it from the Nation, but to fortify it's border as a last line of defense against intruders from the north (actually, this would be a good idea regardless)
Forgive me if I misinterpreted the Onion, wouldn't be the first time.
Go back to Seattle or whatever you call it.
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