If I Put It Down, It Gets Extremely Complicated
I could have sworn I heard this rant somewhere in the halls of BLS during the last two weeks, but I think it's a Tom Wolfe original.
From pg. 558 of I Am Charlotte Simmons...
U.S. News & World Report--what a stupid joke! Here is this third-rate news weekly, aimed at businessmen who don't like to read, trying desperately to move up in the race but forever swallowing the dust of Time and Newsweek, and some character dreams up a circulation gimmick: Let's rank the colleges. Let's stir up a fuss. Pretty soon all of American higher education is jumping through hoops to meet the standards of the marketing department of a miserable, low-brow magazine out of Washington, D.C.! Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Dupont (the fictional college setting for the novel)--all jumped through the hoop at the crack of the U.S. News whip!
Does U.S. News rate you according to how many of the applicants you offer places to actually enroll in your college and not another? Then let's lock in as many as we can through early admissions contracts. Does U.S. News want to know your college's SAT average? We'll give it to them, but we will be "realistic" and not count "special cases"...such as athletes.

Labels: current reading, Tom Wolfe, U.S. News and World Report
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