Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Good Place to Get Some Thinking Done

My friends, the global economy is still fighting to regain its balance after a severe shock, Somali pirates are still frequently attacking vessels in the Indian Ocean, and the world is just coming down off of the high generated by a severe over-reaction to the threat of the swine flu, but all of those problems are simply too small for the German judicial system.

Here's what the German Constitutional Court was up to on Tuesday...

Germany is renowned for fighting inflation, but the battle extends beyond money and into the realm of names. In a split decision on Tuesday, the German Constitutional Court upheld a ban on married people combining already-hyphenated names, forbidding last names of three parts or more.

Somewhere, a recently injured/retired Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutumbo is surely disheartened by this decision and what it means for the "Long Surname" rights movement worldwide.
He was unavailable for comment at the time we went to press.

Current Reading

I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe

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At 12:53 PM, Blogger Conner Halstead said...

Hello friend. I wanted to say i appreciate your comparison to nfl draft picks and the swine flu a few days ago. I have been using that but giving you credit

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Justin said...


You are nothing if not honorable, my friend.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

Your example perfectly proves the Germans' point. I never took German, but I understand they like to combine words. I propose we do the same with last names. I suggested to The Missus that we combine her maiden name with my name to become the unstoppable Schoenrastens.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Justin said...


If there isn't a movie in the next five years that features a villain with the last name of "Schoenrasten", I'm going to be severely disappointed.


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