Dedicated to All You, All Human Beings
It's that time of the year once again.
Time for a member of the Chicago Cubs to make a recklessly bold World Series victory prediction? No, although that did happen. Thanks, Ryan Dempster.
Instead, it is time to travel to the Key City for the phenomenon known as Sing Song. Here's a post from February of 2006 with full photographic evidence of the event that was "The Frog Show". (Warning: The mustache I'm wearing in those photos may be unsuitable for discerning [read as: reasonable] persons).
You can find the pre and post-show entries from last year's show here and here.

For a more focused, and much less biased, view on ACU's largest annual event (I'm looking at you, Lectureship), I'm turning things over to my friend, Sarah Carlson, whose Sing Song piece ran in Wednesday's edition of the Abilene Reporter-News.
Besides Sarah's excellent writing, another highly enjoyable portion of that article is the GSP-galaxy feud breaking out in the comments section. My favorite comment by far is from "TC Hunter 21" who writes: "Personally I think 7 is pretty small, 25 thats an actual accomplishment...lets wait and see what happens."
Besides Sarah's excellent writing, another highly enjoyable portion of that article is the GSP-galaxy feud breaking out in the comments section. My favorite comment by far is from "TC Hunter 21" who writes: "Personally I think 7 is pretty small, 25 thats an actual accomplishment...lets wait and see what happens."
If that's not a former/current moonie sounding a little bit too much like a Yankees fan taunting a Red Sox supporter by stating that the Boston club's 7 titles are nice, but it's small fries compared to the Yanks' 26 World Series championships, I don't know what is.
Everyone who is headed out to Abilene, be sure to travel safely, and I hope to see some of you there.

Labels: ACU, Gamma Sigs, Sing Song
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