Just When You Think You're In Control

In other news, just when I think I've grown into being a semi-normal person, I am reminded of my inherent nerdiness. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Yes, I received a brand new 2007 Rand McNally Road Atlas in the mail from my parents today. For those of you have known me for awhile, you know that I have always had an affinity for maps. I actually received a Rand McNally Atlas for Christmas from my parents when I was about 8 or 9, and we had to buy a new one the next year because I had looked at the first one so much that it began to tear apart in my hands.
Yes, this is my lot in life. In college, it turned into a kind of party game. When I would meet new people, my friend Jeff McCain would then invite them to ask me how to get from Scranton to Sedona, as if I were some kind of trained seal bouncing a ball on my nose. I would offer the rest of my insights on the topic, but it has enabled me to corner the market on beautiful women, so I'm closely guarding my trade secrets.
Labels: Friends and family, Maps
Sing song is the most stupid fun thing I ever did... three times. My top three moments:
-"Dear Lord the battles we go through life..."
-Winning all three years I did it.
-Always singing the club song so loud on saturday night that it stops some other clubs while they are practicing, and of course the mayhem that ensues after the "k-i-n-s-m-e-n"
You should tell the people about your high school mascot trick, you gypsy.
Here it goes again. OK Go.
Can't wait to see you this weekend. Hopefully you and I will be allowed to impart so inspirational words.
Okay, I just did a comment, but then lost it so I'll make this one even shorter...your loss.
First, I too love maps. In fact I asked for and received the very same atlas as you did for christmas from my parents this year. I don't know what it is about them, but I really do like them.
Secondly, SS is the best tradition that I've ever been a part of. I love it for many of the reasons Patty listed above ("the battles I go through in life" notwithstanding--I always thought that was pretty stupid, like something that my 8th grade basketball team would do). My personal fave would be simply learning the songs in the T2 room and making fun of Kern practically non-stop. We had a great group of T2's and definitely carried every show.
See you this weekend
T2's carry every show, let's be honest about Sing Song.
Who mouthed the words on at least four nights.
whatever guys...
I was about to comment on how much Austin likes maps too...but then I read the comments...and he had already told you that:)
2 nerdy law school students think alike! Surprise, surprise:)
Austin and Cassie,
I am truly humbled right now. You might be the inaguaral married couple to post here on "Running Down a Dream". I've always liked to think that this blog makes people's day a little bit better, but now I feel like I'm impacting marriages. There are no limits!!!!
All I remember was the tenor 1's saving sing song every year because the t2's kept screwing up. =/
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