Friday, September 8, 2006

There's Just too Much to See Waiting in Front of Me, and I Know That I Just Can't Go Wrong

Why do you do what you do? I know, the question is very vague and not incredibly poetic, but one that I've been thinking about lately.

As I have been reading through The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe, I have been struck by the dark humor with which Wolfe describes the demise of a number of fictional characters in New York. Wolfe's first novel portrays a number of characters all chasing after something amorphous. That "something" varys for each of the characters. For some it is money, others it is power, and others are simply looking for respect.

I guess that part of being in your early 20's is asking the question: what am I going to do with the years that I have on this spinning rock? When I was in high school and ACU, the idea of law school was always this sort of shimmering mirage that was out there on the horizon. I would imagine myself there, but it always seemed like something that would never come. Now, I am here. So, what do I do know?

I think the secret is finding something that really challenges me and causes me to stretch. Maybe that's part of the reason that I came here. Sure, I love reading and writing, but more than anything I love a challenge. I want something that is going to push me and cause me to find out my true potential. Deep down, that's why I ran the marathon. That's part of the reason I work at Trek. I need challenges so I don't sleepwalk through life.


At 10:48 AM, Blogger Cody Blair said...

great thoughts justin. hooray for law school...and college algebra

look for me and austin on TV saturday. we'll be the ones standing behind Corso and the Gameday guys with a sign that says "Joel Weckerly's Hero is a Criminal"

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Justin -

The comparison to a marathon is a good one. I'm only afraid that we are at the .3 mile marker. Which means that we have 25.9 miles left. Where is the law school GU?

Cody - I desperately hope to see you two with that sign.


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