Reading Departure Signs in Some Big Airport Reminds Me of the Places I've Been
Congratulations to Mr. Tim Henderson for correctly naming "Sympathy for the Devil" as the Monday Song of the Day.
The dinner last night with Solicitor General Clement was very interesting. One of the things that he pointed out during his speech that really surprised me was that all potential appeals from U.S. Attorney's offices across the nation come across his desk and need his approval. At first I thought that sounded like a tremendous logjam, but his explanation made a lot of sense.

He pointed out that at any time in the country, various US Attorney's offices are pursuing cases on the same subject matter. If the US Attorney in Idaho takes a very different position on an issue from the US Attorney in Ohio, the potential for conflicting cases is increased. In order to insure a consistent opinion and approach on certain issues, there must be some coordination from the office of the Solicitor General.
There are times when the government is incredibly inefficient, but there are other times when practices that at first glance appear to be inefficient actually have some kind of method to the madness.
P.S. Everyone needs to just relax about the "New Facebook". It will be okay. I promise.
I bet you said relax about New Coke
Tom from MySpace
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