I Shouted Out "Who Killed the Kennedys?"
Congratulations again to Mr. Andrew Tuegel for correctly naming "Babylon" by David Gray as the Sunday Song of the Day. It must be something about artists from the British Isles, Andrew.
You have probably already seen the news reports, but in case you have not, Steve Irwin died earlier today. This may sound odd, but when someone like Irwin dies, it almost does not seem real. Because of his outlandish stunts and oversized personality, Irwin always seemed like a cartoonish figure. Hearing that Steve Irwin died, is almost like hearing that Wile E. Coyote died. Because he has defied death and serious injury so many times, it is hard to believe that it finally caught up to him.

P.S. Did anyone watching the FSU-Miami game tonight notice President David Palmer making a guest appearance as the referee? Good times all around.
Stones - Sympathy for the Devil
Justin I like that you could be excited by someone who respresents the government before the court. :)
Do you get to have dinner with guy by yourself? That would be pretty sweet.
Almost a big upset over TCU. They sure as heck better not beat A & M this year.
Hope all is well.
Tim: We are all excited by different things. Does the fact that I am excited about this make me a bit of nerd? Probably, but I'm okay with that.
Chris: I'm pretty sure that other people are going to be there. You never know, though. The Bears played well, but scoring 7 points is just not going to cut it in the Big 12. The Ags should be wary though, they are returning to the scene of the crime in '04.
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