Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Don't Have Any Reasons, I've Left Them All Behind

Is law school tough? Yes. Is it as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Probably not, at least not yet.

Previously, I've mentioned the brilliant t-shirts that you see all over BLS, describing the law school as the place where "Fun Goes to Die." I think those shirts are great, but probably a bit over the top. I guess that's just part of the inherent nature of organizations like law schools and the military. People love to make it worse than it actually is.

It's not exciting to walk up to someone wearing a shirt that says, "Baylor Law School: I Study alot, but it's not all that bad." It's much more enjoyable to say that you go to what the Texas Bar Association sometimes refers to as the "Marine Corps of law schools."

If anything, people love to tell war stories about how a professor completely obliterated someone in class, because when others hear those stories they somehow admire your resiliency in being able to withstand such punishment on a day in/day out basis. To tell you the truth, people do get kicked out from time to time, but it's not like profs do it for entirely arbitrary reasons.

In summation, here's what all of you out there need to do when you hear law students whine and moan about how hard things are, learn to take it with a grain of salt. Start throwing things back like, "Oh yeah, well how about being in labor for 23 hours." or "It could be worse, you could have to sit and listen to Brent Musberger doing college football games for the rest of your life."

You're right, I'll take law school.


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I refer to this as the "Culture of Pity." It starts in college with everyone having to out do others with how sorry their life is because of homework, papers and tests. Then comes post-undergraduate education where now students are specializing in the Culture of Pity. The worst is professional schools because they are becoming professionals in the Culture of Pity.

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right Justin, but I found out if I act like it's actually that bad then people pay me way more attention and give me free food, alcohol, clothes, and coffee mugs.


At 11:24 PM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...



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