We'll Meet Again, When Both Our Cars Collide
If any of you out there were wondering how GSP Pledging is going so far this fall, you can check out this video from The Optimist.
I was very excited to finish up The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt this morning, but unfortunately I will be stuck in the LSAT study book until next Saturday. It is really starting to sink in that the test is next Saturday. I have always been blessed/cursed with the premonition to look forward at what is coming next in life. It is a blessing because I am usually in a state of readiness for what I am about to face, but it can become a curse when I define success for what will happen next before I am even in the midst of it.
I am reminded that God does not need me to be anything in this world. He will do what he is going to do whether I am there or not. Incredibly, he gives me the opportunity to share in his work. God is going to do his work whether I go to the law school that I want to or not, but I have a choice. I can choose to either be consumed with my own story or to realize that no what I am doing in this world, he can be glorified through it. That is freedom.
I'm confident that your best will be good enough! Mom
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