Do You Remember When We First Met, I Sure Do, It Was Some Time in Early September
Nicolas Kristof wrote today on the UN Summit taking place this week in New York. The most striking quote from Kristof's column is this one:
"The fact is that with just a few exceptions, the presidents and prime ministers coming to the U.N. Summit are doing a disgraceful job in helping the poor. That's one reason the world's richest 500 individuals have the same income as the world's poorest 416 million people."
For me, that statistic is very hard to fathom, but the reality is that the gap between the haves and the have-nots in our world is growing at a breakneck rate. The right to life depends on one's place of birth and national economy in many instances. What will we have to say one day about what we did for "the least of these?"
John Tierney of the NY Times has one of the most well-researched and thought out approaches to the confirmation hearings of John G. Roberts. I think I am going to be using a few of those questions during pledging this fall. Thanks, John.
I'm not going to get too excited, but my alma mater, the Whitehouse High School Wildcats, have a winning record for the first time since we started out 5-0 my Senior Year. Admittedly, they are only 2-1, and both of those wins are over 3A teams, but when you are a Whitehouse Football Fan, you take what you can get.
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