Monday, August 29, 2005

I've Got to Tell You In My Loudest Tones

Everyone has different things that make them happy. Some people love to lay on a beach all day long doing nothing, others enjoy curling up with a book beside a fire on a rainy day, but for me there are few things better than standing at the plate taking batting practice.

The feeling of connection between a round ball and a round bat is something approaching the sublime when it is done correctly. Those moments when everything comes together just right and the ball feels weightless as it arcs away from you are priceless. As you can probably tell, I am very excited to be starting Intramural softball again this year.

I'm pretty sure that Michael Memea knows how that feels today. Read about the story here. When I first looked at the picture that is posted above, I obviously saw Memea's intense joy, but glance behind his shoulder, and look at the third baseman's expression of disbelief. At his age that is an acceptable way to process the proceeding events, but if A-Rod ever gets that look after a homerun from Big Papi, there will be no sympathy from my corner.


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