Wednesday, April 6, 2005

I've Got a Tank Full of Gas to Light

I am really going to be praying for rain sometime soon. I, along with everyone else at school, is sick of seeing sidewalk chalk all over campus for this Justin guy. Who does he think he is anyway?

I think one of the best things about this entire experience with the Presidency is having the opportunity to stay here during the summer for the internship with Dr. Money's office. Part of me is really going to want to be in Colorado when I gets hot here and I wish I could just take off up a trail towards the summit of a 14er, but I feel an incredible sense of peace about where I am going to be.

I think the opportunity to live in the Iceberg with Brandon is going to be amazing. I have seen our friendship grow immensely from time spent together in club along with the growth that I have experienced with all of the guys who are part of the Friday mornings accountability group. Also, I have so many good friends like Jeff, Luke, Ragan, and Cris working at ACU Camps this summer that I will get to spend time with.

Current Listening: "Chariot" by Gavin DeGraw.

I am not sure if it is just because I dislike my Business and Professional Communication class so much, but I have been thinking a lot lately that I never really want to enter the "business" world. I have these idyllic visions of becoming a 21st century Hemingway hopping the globe writing about the lives of tragic lovers whose fate is written in the stars. I'll find the Paris Left
Bank of our time and catch the wave of the next big thing. I never want to be tied down. I never want to carry a PDA. I never want to wear my cell phone on the outside of my pants. In the words of Tyler Durden, "I don't want to die without any scars." The day that I can't run so hard that I think I am going to puke is a day that I never want to come.

I am not sure if this is all a rush of testosterone to the head, or if this is really something that I am going to have to think about when I look down the road at what I want to do. Perhaps it is just my reaction to the fact that I will be graduating from college in just over and a year and I can't believe that. Whatver it is, it feels wild and free, and I love it.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Prosso said...

Oasis on Sept 25th in Houston. $75 for GA. Let me know soon.


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