Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Stones Taught Me to Fly, Love Taught Me to Lie, Life Taught Me to Die

One of the things that I have been thinking about lately is how difficult it is for something to keep our attention in the fast-paced world that we live in today. On the day after Christmas, when news began to trickle in about the Tsunami in SE Asia, we were all horrified by the death toll and amazed that a sudden act of nature could cause that much destruction, but even after a death toll that reaches in six figures it barely crosses our minds. We have moved on to Jacko, Terri Schiavo, and the shootings in Red Lake, Minnesota.

I realize that part of this phenomenon is one of the basic tenets of life: Events happen, we are changed, and then we move to the next event. With that said, in our media-saturated culture that affords us endless options for entertainment, how do we make things stick in people's minds? How do we keep the things that truly matter in the forefront instead of always being blown about by the latest trend? How do we make people care about the AIDS pandemic in Africa instead of Scott Peterson?

Current Listening: "O" by Damien Rice

If anyone remembers my earlier post about my conversion from Aggies fan to Longhorns fan, you will appreciate this editorial by David Brooks in the NY Times. Opening Day is just ahead and I cannot wait.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin - I'm really glad that you have this blog because I miss talking to you, and I think you're right. It's so sad that we can be so obsessed with the sensationalism of a case like Scott Peterson and ignore the greater tragedies all around us. Perhaps it's merely how we cope with the constant tragedy we see around us. Eventually we have to just block it all out. Anyway, I'm glad you are listening to Damien Rice. His music is amazing, and "Cannonball" (yes! I identified the post title) is a beautiful song. I miss Abilene.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger TKP said...

Hey, aren't you going to blog about your presidential run? And of course I'm voting for you. I mean, not only are you best qualified for the job, but I've got those IJM loyalties from way back when in DC. I totally agree about thinking about the big picture (i.e. Sudan or the AIDS crisis) over sensational media stories like the Peterson or Jackson cases. And Damien Rice is awesome!


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