I Drove for Miles and Miles and Wound Up at Your Door
Today might be one those rare occurrences that happens every 7.5 years like when the moon and Jupiter line up. How often do you have two days that are as much fun as St. Patrick's and the First Day of the NCAA Tournament on the same day?
On a sidenote, if anyone uses my "Geography Theory" in a large-scale betting scenario, and you end up in the trunk of a big guy named Vinny's car because you could not pay off your debt, let's just call this a disclaimer that any and all gambling losses are solely your responsibility. Now, that important information is off of my chest, let's move on...
For those of you who have been following the events in Sudan and remember one of my previous posts about contacting your Senator or Representative about the response of the United States to the genocide in Darfur, we now have someone and something to rally behind. Senator Jon Corzine of New Jersey and Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas introduced the Darfur Accountability Act on March 2 in the Senate. You can read the full press release about the exact contents of the Act and Corzine's speech on the Senate floor here.
Happy Conan O'Brien Tribute Day Everyone!
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