'Cause I'm Just Running Out of Time
On Friday mornings I go to an accountability group that has become one of the portions of my week that I draw a lot of strength from, and I have the opportunity to be real with people who do not allow me to be anything else. I think that what we do there is what the church can be if we were to come to each other without pretense or sense of illusion. It probably helps that it is difficult for college students to put up any sort of a facade at 7:00 in the morning, but I think the thing that makes the group great and authentic is that people are willing to be vulnerable and candid. Whenever you see someone else stand in front of people and speak about something that you have either repressed or have been too afraid to even mention, you are somehow liberated when you see that they are not publicly shamed for their actions. You gain a sense of confidence and belonging by realizing that our shortcomings and struggles are not uniquely ours.
In honor of Spring Break and the many miles that will be traveled in the next week, today's Top 10 List is: The Top 10 Trips of All Time
- Lewis and Clark's Voyage to the Pacific
- Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
- Shackleton's Expedition to Antarctica
- Easy Rider
- Christopher Columbus' Discovery of Hispanola
- Sir Francis Drake's Circumnavigation of the Globe
- National Lampoon's Family Vacation
- The Scott Vacation to South Dakota/Wyoming in the Summer of 2002
- Magellan's Attempt to Circle the World
If anyone has a notable expedition, trip, voyage, or adventure that they believe should be included in this list, feel free to make your opinion known. I hope everyone has a great Spring Break, and experiences God's rest even in the midst of what appears to be chaos.
Scotty J-
How can you leave off the "And 1" basketball tour? Please tell me how that isn't one of the greatest trips of all time.
good call c-griff...skip to my lou and his boys rank right up there with magellan and L&C for sure...they truly are "pioneers"...
how about the infamous trip taken by one Jamaican bobsled team in that great film classic "Cool Runnings"? i think they deserve some props...
c blair
Forrest Gump ran across the country. Multiple times. That's a trip worth mentioning.
Good call about the bobsledders, led to glory by the now-dead John Candy. Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme...
Seriously, you should put Gump on the list. He had magic legs, man.
Jim Morrison's peyote trip in the desert, or any of the Dude's acid flashback in The Big Lebowski. Think outside the box.
Joseph R Halbert
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