Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Our Love is All of God's Money

Do you ever have those mornings where you wake up, and somehow you feel more tired than when you went to sleep? This was one of those.

With that said, I would like to share one of the stories from the conference this past weekend that really stuck with me. David Lash spoke at the conference about his work with Bet Tzedek, which means "House of Justice" in Hebrew, in Los Angeles. Bet Tzedek provides legal aid and support to the poor, homeless, and indigent of the LA area. Lash spoke about the fact that he is confronted with the brokenness of our world each day as he walks through Bet Tzedek's waiting room. He sees the broken dreams and lives of people that the world has often forgotten. Often people demonize the law and the work of lawyers as self-seeking and promoting and sometimes it is, but Lash seems something else.

He sees the law as a means of bringing justice to people who have no idea what the word means in their lives. He sees that being an advocate for the voiceless is a way of living out the Shema and bringing his Jewish faith into a place where it is not simply a compartment of his life that he opens up on the Sabbath, but it is who he is, and that is why he is able to reach out.

In a finishing note: Last night as I was watching the end of "The Shawshank Redemption," I was again touched by the beauty of the music just as Red finishes Andy's letter and decides to go buy the bus ticket to Fort Hancock. If hearing that music does not cause something deep to well up in you, well as Red said, "Get busy living, or get busy dying."


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