Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Stars Though She Seemed to Respect

Recently, I have begun reading the Op-Ed sections of the New York Times and the Washington Post on a daily basis. Before some of you out there go off on a righteous rant about the bias of "liberal" media, let me say that I take each opinion piece that I read with the grain of necessary of salt. My favorite writers are George F. Will from the Post, Charles Krauthammer from the Post, and Nicholas Kristof from the Times.

Kristof in particular has captured my attention. Here is his biography:

Born on April 27, 1959, Mr. Kristof grew up on a cherry farm near Yamhill, Oregon, and raised sheep for his Future Farmers of America project. He graduated from Harvard College in three years, Phi Beta Kappa, in 1981, and then won first class honors in his study of law at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. He later studied Arabic in Cairo and Chinese in Taipei. After working in France, he caught the travel bug and began backpacking around Africa and Asia, writing articles to cover his expenses. Mr. Kristof has lived on four continents, reported on six, and traveled to well over 100 countries. He has had unpleasant experiences with malaria, mobs, war and an African airplane crash.

Not a bad life if you ask me.

Kristof has been one the leading journalistic voices speaking out against the sex trade that exists in our world today. Last year, he traveled to Cambodia and other nations in Southeast Asia to write a series for the Times about this terrible truth that world leaders just do not want to talk about. During his time in Cambodia, he purchased the freedom of two girls from a brothel. In the past few days, he has written columns to follow up on their situation. Here is an excellent article that is a good introduction to a world that many do not know about and those who do know are afraid to acknowledge it. I read this column yesterday, and I would like to share it with all of you. You can read it here


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