Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When You Meet 'Em, Everyone's a Fool

Part II: My Response to Luke

Ah, law. The world of the disclaimer.

I completely agree with the sentiment about a bit too much introversion being a bad thing. I've noticed that spending a bit too much time in my own world with my head in a book/watching sports/etc. has become an issue since I started law school. I attribute a lot of that to the fact that I've told myself that I made the best friends that I could hope for at ACU (yourself included) and that I would decide to spend my friendship capital on the friends I already had rather than expanding those friendships on a deep level to people in law school. I still feel good about that decision, but I have noticed that I find myself content on a Friday night to sit and read or watch a movie rather than trying to seek out other activities. That's also probably a function of the fact that I feel as though I'm in this transition period before Amanda and I get married and that I know I won't probably spend my free-time in the same way once we get hitched, and that's almost certainly a very good thing.

With all of that said, I know that I need to seek out these opportunities with people to really share myself and make connections, because in the end, that's all we really have in this world. Sounds cliched, but it's true. Most clichés are, I guess.


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At 10:42 PM, Blogger Prosso said...

Are we saying sitting at home on a Friday night and reading is bad, or that it's bad if it's all you do?


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