Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Coins In Their Eyes Represent the Money They Owe

A Humble Request for Accountability--Ladies and gentlemen, blog readers young and old, I come to you seeking the company of those who would hold me accountable in the following endeavor: In my life-long quest to oppose James Cameron at every turn, I have to this point in my life (currently 26 years, 10 days, 18 hours and 35 minutes) avoided seeing a single movie by the aforementioned Canadian director.

Yes, that means no Terminator, no Abyss, no True Lies, no Terminator 2, no Titanic, and now, no Avatar.

I wish for all of you to hold me accountable in this heroic endeavor. People of the Internet and People of the Future, if you one day come across this blog on your journey across the interwebs, ask me, question me, even interrogate me as to whether I have seen a flick by "The King of the World" and deal with me ever so harshly if I have.

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At 12:28 AM, Blogger ALV said...

Hey! Me too! Well, I've seen about 10 minutes of Titanic because it was on in a store while I was waiting in line. I still feel awesome, though.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i haven't either must be in the dna dad.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger ATuggle said...

DMB - Louisiana bayou.

At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have denied yourself of some of lifes great pleasures. These are some of my most memorable movie experiences. Avatar is breaking new ground on how movies will be made in the future, much like Gone With the Wind did. You are missing out on a movie that will change the way future movies will be made.

Tim K.


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