When I Have Nothing to Say My Lips Are Sealed
What follows is an abbreviated version of a conversation that I had last night with the lady friend/fiancee:
I'm currently trying to figure out what this blog needs to be if it is going to survive in some form going forward. Due to the trend in the blogosphere world of blogs becoming more niche-focused and written from an expert/educated perspective on a particular topic* and moving away from the realm of personally-focused musings/rantings/ravings/observations, I'm not sure what purpose this blog serves at this point in time.
I recognize that this blog serves as a very valuable connection between myself and a number of different groups of people that I have had the privilege of being connected with during my life, but at the moment, I'm just trying to figure out the direction for the blog to take in the next few months, years, decades, etc, etc, etc.**

As mentioned earlier, as blogs become more and more focused in their topicality, it is tempting to move into that realm and to have a blog written entirely about the Texas Rangers, Liverpool FC, the current travails of the conservative movement in America, the work of Bill Simmons, or the wonderland that is the study of Texas high school mascots, but I don't think that's where this is headed.
This blog is probably just my way of indulging an amateur's interest in writing since I'm about to start doing "other things" in a permanent day job, but for whatever reason, I've taken it's future focus and topicality seriously. Feel free to mock me, feel free to remind me that I'm just another former law student who entertains fantasies of writing the next great American novel, or feel free to tell me to shut up and keep making fun of Nancy Pelosi's plastic surgery.
Whichever way you want to say it, just let me know what you think.
*Which I, by the way, think is a very, very good thing.
**Yes, I realize that blogging about what to blog about is painfully ironic.
Labels: Blogging
I've thought a lot about the future direction of my own blog as well. I don't really have any answers, but I continue to blog for a couple of reasons.
1. I believe I can contribute, however minimally to the national discussion on issues that matter to me.
2. I enjoy thinking and writing, something I fear my/our job/s will keep to a precious minimum the next few years.
3. Stephen King said that all it takes to be a professional writer is to read and write four hours each every day. I'm almost there reading-wise. Gimme another couple months, and I'll be perfessional.
4. I get a serious high when people comment.
Thanks for the thoughts. I especially agree with your 4th point, in that I particularly enjoy how blogging is the opportunity to have a conversation, albeit in a different form than a face to face interaction, on issues that I find interesting.
Dreamrunner, Esq.-
I'll consider your blog a success when each post contains: 1. a word I'll need a Black's for, and 2. a thought I'll need a confessional for.
Seriously, whatever you do- just keep writing.
I, Justin T. Scott, hereby promise to do my best to accomplish those two goals with each post.
Onward and upward,
Just do what you like. That's how everything good happens.
That's a T.I. lyric, right, Joey?
I never know what these rappers are talking about anymore.
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