You Won't Say It Now, but In Your Heart It's Loud
Congratulations to the lovely Ms. Amanda Pierce for correctly naming "All We Are" by OneRepublic as the Wednesday Song of the Day.
I realize I don't normally utilize the ol' blog as a vehicle for detailing my academic career, but since Professor Osler assigned me to a group to "research" powder cocaine as part of his Criminal Practice and Procedure course, I felt compelled to share with you, my dear readers, some of the more colloquial names for powder cocaine so that you can be a more informed member of whatever community you happen to call home.

- Blow--Real original work here Johnny Depp. Give me some creativity, Capt. Sparrow.
- Nose Candy--Coming to an H.E.B. near you, kids!!!!
- Powder--And I just thought this was a slightly creepy movie.
- Nose Powder
- White Powder--Used most famously by "White Power" Bill of Arrested Development.
- Birdie Powder
- Friskie Powder--The only cat food guaranteed to cause paranoia.
- Happy Powder--So that's what Peter Pan and the Lost Boys were up to all that time.
- Marching Powder
- Bolivian Marching Powder--I think I actually put some of this in my chili last week.
- Joy Powder--I think one of my friends dated Joy Powder at ACU.
- Powder Diamonds--I actually worked my way up to skiing a couple of these last time I was in Colorado.
- Star Spangled Powder--You too, Francis Scott Key??? Is anything sacred? Does this mean Fort McHenry was actually a crack-house? So many questions.
- Aspirin--Wait a second here...
- Aunt--I don't even have a joke here because this one makes absolutely no sense.
- Candy Sugar--Does the same exact thing to your stomach as Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola.
- Devil's Dandruff-Someone get Mephistpholes some Head and Shoulders for goodness sake.
- Fast White Lady--Danica Patrick, if you take this as your new nick-name, I want credit.
- Flake--I'm on to you, Jack Johnson. You drug fiend.
- Flave--Sold with a complimentary viking helmet and clock necklace.
- Shake
- Shrile
- Snowball-A large number of catowners do powder cocaine. A large number of cats are named "Snowball". Mere Coincidence? You decide.
- Soft
- Sugar Boogers--My personal favorite.
- Pariba--I think this is the website Dan Carlson writes for but you can never be too sure.
- Tornado--So that's how they paid Bill Pullman and Helen Hunt.
- Uptown--Perhaps Billy Joel wasn't actually writing about a girl. Hmmmm.
- White Boy
- White Dragon--I had some great sesame chicken at White Dragon once.
- Wicky Stick--The best selling Christmas gift in 1987.
- Yao--So that's how a Chinese guy ends up at 7 ft. 6 in.
Labels: Arrested Development, Baylor Law, Drugs, Johnny Depp, Law school, Yao Ming
haha. great stuff here justin
Believe me, yesterday's drug day was pretty calm compared to some years.
I've always heard Ya-yao ("yay-yow) instead of just yao, but maybe that's just an Austin thing? I don't know.
I think Joy Powder was in GATA. That's a GATA name. Except that it means coke so maybe it's DT.
"Blow" had a fantastic soundtrack. Also, it's the only time Johnny Depp ever successfully made himself *completely* unappealing. Penelope Cruz too, for that matter.
Anywho, if doing coke wasn't already completely disgusting, "Devil's Dandruff" sealed the deal for me. Ugh! That could have saved them a lot of trouble when I was a kid, instead of that D.A.R.E. program...
I'll have to do a little more "investigation" on the Ya-yao front. You can determine what that means.
Prof. Osler,
Although no one was reading Burroughs' yesterday, I thought that Jeremy Masten gave a virtuoso performance in telling the class more about ganja.
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