Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You've Got a Problem, I Think You Know

Congratulations to Mr. Dan Carlson for correctly naming "My City of Ruins" by Bruce Springsteen as the Tuesday Song of the Day.

As much as I enjoy anything that negatively impacts that baseball franchise located in the Bronx, the A-Rod steroid revelations are somewhat bittersweet due to the fact that his Primobolan -enhanced exploits took place while he was employed by the only baseball franchise that breaks, ahem, warms my heart, the Texas Rangers.
At this point, I'm really just looking for a list from Major League Baseball that tells me who didn't take steroids between the strike-shortened season of 1994 and the present day. If I somehow learn that in 1993, a newly-retired Nolan Ryan contemplated a return to the big leagues courtesy of a Primobolan boost, in the same year that I've been exposed to the worst of the 90's Cowboys-dynasty, well, I think I'm going to be begin to question whether the universe is really a benevolent and loving place after all.

Current Reading

Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream by Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam

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At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard you took steriods as SA president.

-Daniel Manning

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Justin said...

If regular dining at Harold's is a performance-enhancing drug, then consider me guilty as charged.

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you pick a new babseball team (like the Astros) so avoid that feeling.

Tim K.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Justin said...


Much like I couldn't choose my parents, I could not choose the Rangers.

The Rangers chose me.

Also, much like I wouldn't change my parents, I wouldn't change my support for the Rangers.

One day, the years and years of support will be worth it, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

Are you really listening to "You're a God" by Vertical Horizon? That's cool and all, but . . . you have really taken this post-PC lifestyle a little too far . . .

I thought a lot about leaving the Rangers way back in elementary school. But there's something about the blue-and-red that draws me back year after year after year. Even when I don't know who the players are, I try to make it up to Arlington at least once a year, if only to try to keep my streak up. Believe it or not, I have never been to a Rangers game where they lost. It's something like 9 or 10 games now.

Maybe I should buy season tickets . . .

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Justin said...


How dare you come here and accuse me of listening to Vertical Horizon? You might as well tell the world that I was behind the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the Arena Football League, and the continued production of "Two and a Half Men". I hope you'll think about what you've said here.

On to the Rangers...after reading the final sentence of your second paragraph, I think your phone is ringing. It's Tom Hicks and he's offering you a seat in his box with unlimited hot dogs, ice cream in miniature baseball helmets, and beer so long as you come to all 81 games in Arlington this year.

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Jeremy Masten said...

Well, if I have to take one for the team . . .


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