Power and the Money, Money and the Power

Well, as has been written about here and here, it seems that William "LaBill" Simmons, a.ka. The Sports Guy, is less than, shall we say, "gruntled", with the World-Wide Leader in sports at the current moment.
As improbable as it seems, he is apparently writing for the moment at...wait for it, wait for it, wait....this site. Yes, that's correct. The most famous blogger/internet-centric sportswriter this side of Grantland Rice is using a Blogger-platform to, in the words of Whitman,"Sound his barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world."
As improbable as it seems, he is apparently writing for the moment at...wait for it, wait for it, wait....this site. Yes, that's correct. The most famous blogger/internet-centric sportswriter this side of Grantland Rice is using a Blogger-platform to, in the words of Whitman,"Sound his barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world."

Labels: Bill Simmons, The Office, The Sports Guy
Gangsta's Paradise, Coolio. Good times on the ride home Sunday.
It was extremely bizarre to stumble upon the Sports Guy's blogspot page. Going from the World Wide Leader to a free blogsite may seem like a step down to some, but anytime you can write on the same site as Prosso, Scott, and the Blahg, you've got to take that leap.
Question: As a devoted Liverpool fan, who do you cheer for in the Champions League finale tomorrow? I assume Chelsea to avoid a ManU victory, but I need your official opinion.
Great question, here goes: I cheer for a 4-4 match with tons of great goals from both sides, a great penalty kick shoot-out on the verge of revealing a winner, and then...a meteor to strike the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow wiping both teams and all of their supporters off the face of the earth.
A man can dream.
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