Thursday, October 25, 2007

Casting Lines on the Floor, and Lines on His Face, He Reflects on the Day

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, blog readers of all ages, welcome to the 3rd anniversary of Running Down a Dream. Here's how it all began, the first anniversary post, and finally the second anniversary post.

Once again, by the numbers:
  • This is post #750

  • Year 1: 249 posts

  • Year 2: 239 posts

  • Year 3: 262 posts

In my first post I promised to provide my thoughts on "school, life, marathon training, baseball, books and other things." Well, the marathon has come and gone, but I still write about baseball, books, school, life, and other things. I look at the initial post and first anniversary post and I see girlfriends that have come and gone. I wade through the comments from the past and I smile as I read the thoughts of my friends and family. There are so many things that I wish I could say to each of you who check in each day to see what's on my mind, but I will simply say this: Thanks for reading and sharing your life with me in some small way. I'm a better man because I have known each of you.

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At 10:50 AM, Blogger Luke Reeves said...


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading this thing for three years. To tell the truth, I'm ready for the Justin Scott podcast.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Justin said...

Anonymous 11:12,

Would you mind divulging your identity? That's the only way I'll even consider a podcast.

Speaking of a podcast, the first guest would have to be Bill Simmons.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Cody Blair said...

an appropriate quote for this occasion, from Augustus McCray:

"My God Woodrow, it's been quite a party..."

indeed it has my friend. good to see you in abilene, sorry we didn't get to catch up


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