Once again, by the numbers:
- This is post #750

- Year 1: 249 posts

- Year 2: 239 posts

- Year 3: 262 posts

In my first post I promised to provide my thoughts on "school, life, marathon training, baseball, books and other things." Well, the marathon has come and gone, but I still write about baseball, books, school, life, and other things. I look at the initial post and first anniversary post and I see girlfriends that have come and gone. I wade through the comments from the past and I smile as I read the thoughts of my friends and family.

There are so many things that I wish I could say to each of you who check in each day to see what's on my mind, but I will simply say this: Thanks for reading and sharing your life with me in some small way. I'm a better man because I have known each of you.
Labels: Friends and family, Gamma Sigs, History, Life
I've been reading this thing for three years. To tell the truth, I'm ready for the Justin Scott podcast.
Anonymous 11:12,
Would you mind divulging your identity? That's the only way I'll even consider a podcast.
Speaking of a podcast, the first guest would have to be Bill Simmons.
an appropriate quote for this occasion, from Augustus McCray:
"My God Woodrow, it's been quite a party..."
indeed it has my friend. good to see you in abilene, sorry we didn't get to catch up
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