Monday, November 20, 2006

Lebanon, Charles DeGaulle, California Baseball

Congratulations to Joey Halbert for correctly naming "Time is Running Out" by the Muse as the Thursday Song of the Day.

Well, well, well. I'm back once again my friends, as if any of you noticed I was ever gone.
Remember to continue to stock up on non-perishable food items due to the fact that the Whitehouse Wildcats advan ced to the second round of the 4A state playoffs. The apocalypse is nigh my friends.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that our friend from "Northern Illinois" found a way to work the violent tendencies of early Germanic tribes into our discussion of trespass to chattel and conversion in Torts this morning. He never ceases to amaze me. I often compare him to Michael Jordan, who coincidently is also famously associated with the Windy City. Just when I think he cannot take it to a higher level, he shifts into that sublime, more bizarre gear and we are all astonished at the oddities that come out of his mouth.

I think I'm going to have a discussion tomorrow why competitive cheerleading should go by a different name, so if you have a strong bias towards the sport, check in tomorrow to berate me.

Current Reading

On Paradise Drive by David Brooks



At 7:51 AM, Blogger Patrick said...

I am not sure if it was a timeout error or just one of those "red" issues, but I was unable to check blogger sites for the past three weeks in my apartment. I was very pleased to be able to enjoy an entire page of your thoughts. In a very weird and electronic way, it was good to hear from you. I hope to see you in January. Blessings

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been so long since I have talked to you, I might as well have been in China. I have been talking with Preston a little regarding this years SingSong.

Coincidentally, this Billy Joel classic,our good friend Russ Guild's favorite song, happens to compliment our Firemen Theme for SingSong beautifully.

"Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British Politician sex. J.F.K. blown away, what else do I have to say..."


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