Thursday, November 9, 2006

But of All These Friends and Lovers, There is No One That Compares With You

Congratulations to Joey for correctly naming "Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve as the Wednesday Song of the Day.

It's been kind of funny lately. Maybe I'm just putting this pressure on myself, but I've felt this interesting tension recently. As I sit down to write here, I think about the various readers that will come to this site, or more likely stumble across it, in the span of a day.

Some of the readers are probably my fellow students from Baylor Law, others are close friends from my time at ACU, and some are others that I have known for much longer (my parents, friends from home, etc.) The tension that I feel from this is the search for what will keep people interested in what I have to say here. I am keenly aware that if I talk to much about the everyday minutiae of law school life, I may lose one category of readers, but if I talk too much about what happened in the past, I risk losing readers from the present.

Perhaps all of this so-called "pressure" seems a bit comical because it is not as if I am actually going to lose anything by losing readers, but it's a bit like Oscar Wilde once said, "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
The answer that I have come up with to this "dilemma" is to simply continue to speak what is on my mind. Perhaps it will cause people who read this blog to think about something that they had not thought about that day or allow them to take a peek into my thought processes (as dangerous as that might be).

This might seem a bit like a wasted post, but I needed to sit down and work some of this out before I continued to write in the future. Thanks for continuing to read everyone. I'll be back tomorrow.

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At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your thoughts.


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