See How the Mainsail Sets
Congratulations to Dan Carlson for correctly naming "Marching Bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab for Cutie as the Monday Song of the Day.
I also want to wish my Dad a very happy 53rd birthday. My Dad and I always had a deal that if he and my mom helped me to get through ACU, I would one day repay them by buying them (my Dad) a Harley once I became a hyper-rich lawyer with the ability to purchase expensive motorcycles like other people buy Corn Flakes. As recent photographic evidence on this blog has demonstrated, my Dad simply could not wait until I graduate from Baylor in three years.
As I promised yesterday, here are some musings on my collegiate experience as I am about to graduate. Since the recent opening of the Learning Commons in the Library, I have probably been to the Library more in the last month than my previous 4 years combined. Many of my fellow students could probably say very similar things. It's funny how the simple addition of computer stations, a pseudo-Starbucks, and the subtraction of rows and rows of books can change the entire dynamic of what was supposed to be the center of learning and study all along.

I know that I am probably going to be spending an incredible amount of time in the Baylor Law Library over the next 3 years, but perhaps because of a twisted part of my psyche, that actually excites me. Maybe I'll be singing a different tune a year from now but right now the prospect looks pretty promising.
"Sloop John B" - Beach Boys
I know what you are saying. Sometimes I try to tell myself that I am going to enjoy being so busy during the next 3 years. I guess we'll see.
I once asked someone if they had any super power, what would it be. They said that they would like to have the power to be able to read a book simply by touching the binding of the book. I hope to be a life-time reader, and to spend lots of time in good reading spots.
I don't know that we'll be singing any time a year from now, J Scott :) Sucks about the softball season. It's like the strike of '94.
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