Now I Walk Through a Valley of Color

For the moment, let's ignore the disturbing resemblance between Stephen Colbert and Bob Saget, and instead focus on Colbert's performance at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on Saturday night.
I'll start out by saying that the bizarre video featuring Helen Thomas was the comedic low-point for Colbert on the evening, but everything else was pretty dead-on. As many have said, Colbert was his usually hilarious self, but this time he was staying in character with the main recipient of most of his barbs sitting only a few feet away. I'm pretty sure that kind of focus is what separates the great comedians from the also-rans.
Perhaps a large number of those in the audience on Saturday night are not familiar with Colbert's sthick or maybe they simply do not find him funny, but I'm pretty sure that whatever you think about his humor, you have to respect the man for his chutzpah. (Yes, I just used two Jewish-terms in that last sentence, and yes, I am okay with that. )
In one such instance, he criticized reporters for likening Mr. Bush's recent staff changes to "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." "This administration is not sinking," Mr. Colbert said; "this administration is soaring. If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg."
I didn't hear much about this except that he was pretty good. As far as you know, is he a Bush fan that you know of? Or neutral? That would be a hard gig for someone that didn't at least have respect for Bush. And it could get ugly pretty quickly. Props to him for being able to do it in a classy way. Not sure that I would have been able to do the same.
City On Down, by.... O.A.R. "He who is patient will find his treasure at the end of the road." - ancient Kinsmen proverb.
Yeah - I'm pretty sure he's not a Bush fan. But really, who is?
Colbert is my hero.
Chutzpah my Mexican BEhind. Listen, I've said this on DC's page, but I'll say it again. There's nothing impressive about Colbert's chutzpah. What could possibly happen to him? Would Dick Cheney unload a shotgun to his face? Would W drop him out of a plane into the ocean? Would he be put in an internment camp? He made jokes he knew would be popular with young people and liberals with absolutely NO risk to himself. And Bush had to sit there and take it. Big effing deal. You know I love Colbert but big effing deal.
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