Saturday, April 15, 2006

Pull Me Out of the Lake

Why is it that when I come home it is easier to keep track of what's being built around town than to keep track of what is being built in the lives of those around me?

It's funny, but I almost suffer from some sort of object permanency disorder. Maybe we all do to some extent. From what I can recall from the limited understanding that I have of child developmental psychology, object permanency deals with the fact that infants are not able to rationally understand that objects that leave their field of vision still exist. As we grow, we are able to understand that even though our parents leave the room, this does not mean that they have been completely removed from our realm of existence.

Sometimes when I return home, it is almost as though I believe that all life and growth here has been in a state of suspension while I have been gone and suddenly resumes upon my arrival. I guess that I am learning one of the great lessons of life: people and time continue to move whether or not we are present to witness those events.

This seems like an elementary point, and it probably is, but it is one that I learn again each time that I return to a place that is booming like Tyler.


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Scott, I know you have become a fan of WWE wrestling and I just wanted you to know of the upcoming pay-per-view coming up on the 30th. Check out this story relating to it: I think you shall find it quite interesting.


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