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Why does Pat Robertson keep saying things like this?
The link is to an article in the Washington Post detailing the work that the Bush Administration is doing with religious conservatives such as James Dobson and Mr. Robertson to reassure them and their constituencies that Harriet Miers is a good pick for the SCOTUS. I was surprised by the following quote by Mr. Robertson, but looking back at some of his gems relating to Hugo Chavez I probably should not have been.
In warning Republican Senators not to vote against Miers due to the fact that the voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she was nominated by President Clinton in 1993 Robertson stated, "Now they're going to turn against a Christian who is a conservative picked by a conservative president and they're going to vote against her for confirmation? Not on your sweet life if they want to stay in office."
I have been greatly troubled in the past when I have heard figures on the Religious Right, such as Robertson and Dobson, issuing de facto threats at certain congressional figures in order to sway their votes. It does not seem to be the way of Christ to intimidate and threaten people around you simply to sway their opinions in your favor.
Christ calls us to truly become involved with people's lives and to see them as more than the sum total of their opinions and stances on various issues. It is a relatively simple idea but one that should be stated again and again, especially in reference to those that we do not agree with: People are not their ideas.
In more enjoyable news, it appears that the Evil Empire is already starting to crumble from the inside. What is the world coming to when a $200 million dollar payroll can only buy a first-round playoff exit?
Religious right threats are funny. What are they going to do; vote for those crazy liberal democrats next time to punish the republicans. I'm sure that would happen.
I think the quote from Ken Mehlman at the end of the article is as inappropriate as Robertson's threat. Mom
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