My Momma Used to Say Only Jesus Can Save Us
I've heard many people lately claiming that the Reality-TV era is thankfully coming to a close. If its legacy is the reaction of Chuck Klosterman in this piece that is probably a good thing.
One of the most enjoyable/painful facets of being a sports fan is the desire to watch a game to its conclusion simply because you do not want to miss something historic. For instance, I will be able to tell people one day in passing conversation that I watched the entire Astros v. Braves 18-inning saga from its beginning until its resolution. Why did I spend that much time watching a game that I really did not care about? The answer may seem inane, but I wanted to be able to say that I did.
With that aspect of sports fandom understood, I am thoroughly disappointed in myself for not seeing the end of the USC-Notre Dame game on Saturday. Sure, I went to a great dinner with my girlfriend's family and the ACU Homecoming Musical after that, but as a devout college football fan I had a difficult time going to sleep on Saturday night knowing that I had missed a classic.
I'm not sure where this picture is from but one of my daily readers could probably identify it for us.

What a sexy pic.
I too was sad I missed the end of that game.. i did watch texas beat colorado though.. so i feel ok about life.
Also I like reality tv and hope it doesn't come to an end before i get to experience being on and WINNING Survivor and The Amazing Race.
Have a great day!
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