Saturday, November 6, 2004

I Look at the World and I Notice It's Turning

Waking up whenever you want to on a Saturday morning is always nice. Some of you may look at the time that I posted this section, and wonder why I would be up at this time, when I have no reason to be awake, and I will understand. My body has become conditioned to only sleep for 8 hours a day, whether that is it at one time or cumulative.

I really hope the Aggies will put up a respectable fight today against Oklahoma. A win here would be huge for confidence in Aggieland and Franchione's position. We will see what Reggie and Co. can do against Peterson, White, Clayton, and the rest of the semi-Evil Empire.

As President Bush has begun to speak about his plans for the next term, the idea of increased cooperation across partisan lines has arisen. I really hope this is something he wishes to truly pursue and not simply lip-service. This nation has become incredibly polarized along political lines, and this hampers relationships in all facets of life. I hope that both parties continue to pursue their ideological goals because both parties have aims that are very valuable for society, but neither one is the complete answer. That is where bi-partisan cooperation can help. President Bush must realize that men like Harry Reid, John Kerry, and other Democratic congressmen and women have valuable ideas and insights that must be understood and considered. If Bush simply wishes to pursue an agenda of solely Republican programs, he will meet sharp resistance, as well he should. This is not a nation that should simply forget the party who happened to lose in this particular election. On the other hand, the Democrats must learn to not view each and every Bush program along partisan lines, but with concern for their constituents. This time is critical for bringing together those who are politically aware and active in America. As the faces for their parties, President Bush and Senator Kerry have both mentioned that they want greater cooperation. Now is the time to make good on that offer.


At 11:56 PM, Blogger Tim Henderson said...

So much for an aggie win! They did play a good half.


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