Monday, August 21, 2006

We Might Live Like Never Before

Today was a big day. If you were looking in from the outside it may not have seemed that way. I didn't even get called on in class, but it was the beginning of a new portion of my life.

One of my professors said today that he is going to expect us to do what we think is our best and then a little more. All of my life I have made it through but there were not many times when I really had to press myself day in and day out to greater heights. That is what this is going to require of me and that is why I am excited. Am I a bit nervous? Yes, I think that any reasonable person would have some sort of apprehension as they begin such a momentous undertaking but that apprehension is not a total negative if it causes me to push myself.

It is beginning to sink in that my time at ACU has passed. It might sound odd for me to be saying that 3 months after I graduated, but the act of sitting in a classroom at a different school has cemented the reality in my mind. Part of life is learning to move on and adjust to new circumstances and I am so thankful for another learning opportunity.


At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hard to imagine that one year ago we were in the SA office, and now we are both in completely different places. I don't know if I ever told you, but JT...Mr Prez...I am proud to be able to call you a friend. I am praying that Lord blesses your time at Baylor, and continues to use you to impact His kingdom.


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