I'm More Than A Bird, I'm More Than a Plane
I am not a huge soccer fan by any means. The one season I spent in the Fall of 1994 playing for the Tyler Ajax did not cause me to catch the soccer bug, but after reading the Sports Guy's column detailing his search for an English Premier League team to support, I am enthralled by the passion and history of the EPL.

Perhaps the passion of the fans in the EPL is misunderstood because of the black eye that hooligans give to soccer fandom, but I'm pretty sure that you don't have an 1/8th of the support at the Ballpark of Arlington (Ameriquest Field, I refuse to acknowledge ye) that Liverpool has at a regular match at Anfield or the the Red Devils of Manchester United get at Old Trafford.
Even if you are not a soccer fan it's hard to watch this You Tube video montage of Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard's Top 10 goals without marveling at the skill and athleticism of athletes who play the world's favorite game at a championship level.
On to other news....this week will be my last one at Wilderness Trek for the summer of 2006 and I am going out with a bang. I will be guiding Grapevine Church of Christ on Mt. Ouray, which means that I will be joined on the journey by an all-star cast. Heath Huston, Cody Blair, Micah Moore, and Ms. Benay Dennis all came with the Grapevine crew and I cannot wait for the week to begin.
Hopefully, I will see many of you next weekend as I return to the Key City for the Wardell-Cooke wedding. Until then.....
It's not easy to be me (Superman) - Five for Fighting
man, i like the tribute to soccer. hey, and i was in salida last week. i asked this guy on thursday evening where you were...you had left an hour and a half earlier....so close. so close.
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