Saturday, June 24, 2006

True Love is Give and Take, True Love is Sacrifice

Congrats to Mr. Patrick Vincent for correctly naming "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor as the Friday Song of the Day.

I activated my Baylor email account yesterday. My new email address is I am not discontinuing my ACU address yet, but I will be sure to notify all of you when I decide to do that.

My days off this summer are interesting combination of relaxation and experimentation. This afternoon we attempted to use Tyler's recently purchased Banshee River Board out on the old Arkansas. I use the word "attempted" because we never actually rode the board, but we did wade into the ice cold current time and time again in an ill-fated attempt to anchor the bungee cord under rocks in the middle of the river.The Banshee is either an abysmal failure or we are missing a very critical piece of the puzzle in setting up the entire enterprise.

It always very odd to come off of trail to see what has occurred in the news during the past week while I have been living in the wilderness. Last week as I was walking to the check-out counter at the local Evil Empire, I happened to glance over at the magazine counter where I saw last week's Time with Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi's face marked out with a giant red X. I must be living in an information vacuum when I learn of the week's most news-worthy story in the Wal-Mart checkout line.


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