Saturday, July 8, 2006

Everything You Ever Wanted In a Permanent State

I know that it happens every summer, but it always catches me by surprise. During the course of a week at Trek, the staff meets on Saturday mornings to learn about their next week on trail: Where will my group be from? Who will I be working with? Which mountain will I be climbing? All of these questions are answered in a typical staff meeting. We also spend time in worship each week, but one week is different.

Today was that day.

During one staff meeting each summer we draw from the example of Jesus as we wash each other's feet. Now, maybe some of you have done a similar activity to imitate the service of Jesus towards the apostles but for some reason at Trek it is incredibly special.

Perhaps it is the fact that our feet are incredibly dirty and calloused from weeks and weeks hiking up and down mountains. Maybe it is because we often forget that we need to be filled up with the love of Christ before we can pour that out to each and every person that we come in contact this summer. I'm not sure what the special ingredient is, but I am always humbled during this day.

Quick Thoughts on a rainy Saturday Afternoon
  • Right now, I'm listening to Karma Chamelon by Culture Club. Say what you will but it's one catchy tune.
  • I sleep better on the mountain than I do at Base Camp. Maybe I'll just take a Thermarest down to Waco this fall. I'm sure my aunt and uncle would not mind if I slept in the back yard.


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

White shadows - coldplay

At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you JustOneScott on itunes music store?



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